Apex Lending Group
Email: apexlg@loanfactory.com
Description: Apex Lending Group Welcomes everyone regardless of where you are in this LO Journey. Our Goal is to Guide you to become a better Loan Officer. The Team Lead and Mentor, Diwas Adhikari, has been in the mortgage industry for a while now and has experience in all kinds of mortgage products. He knows the whole mortgage process from processing the Loan to closing. We offer One on one Coaching, Marketing tips and Tricks, and educating members to set them up for success. Additionally, we collaborate with each other and share referrals within the group if you are not licensed in other states.
Diwas Adhikari
Loan Officer
Email: diwas.adhikari@loanfactory.com
Phone: (469) 212-5447
IN-NMLS: 2292620